[Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access Conference on 21/22 March 2017
Katrine Weisteen Bjerde
k.w.bjerde at cristin.no
Sat Dec 3 09:43:44 CET 2016
Dear all
I support Jeff's view.
To make myself more clear than in my previous e-mail:
Although I also worry about how to support smaller OA publishers and alternative models, I do believe it is important in this conference to focus on the offsetting/flipping process.
We will have a really hard time moving to OA if we do not manage to at least flip the majority of publishers.
Also, if we manage to implement the flipping process in a good way, I believe the cost reduction process outlined in Jeff's articles can come true.
I also believe that it is possible to implement flipping agreements in a "wrong" way that does give the publishers either the same or even increased market power.
The focal point of this conference should therefore in my view continue to be on the fact that flipping is possible, working out what "good" flipping agreements looks like and on how we can get more institutions to agree so that we achieve critical mass.
In order not to forget these other issues, I suggest we put them on the roadmap in a list of "themes for future discussion" in meetings of NPCs.
Best regards
P.S.: To all of you: Being part of this group not only lets me contribute to the agenda of the conference. All your comments and your links to articles are also fed into the ongoing process of establishing National Guidelines in Norway for Open Access!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeffrey Mackie-Mason [mailto:jmmason at berkeley.edu]
>Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:29 AM
>To: Katrine Weisteen Bjerde
>Cc: Ralf Schimmer; Ivy Anderson; Reckling, Falk; advisory at oa2020.org
>Subject: Re: [Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access
>Conference on 21/22 March 2017
>Hello all. I'm glad to be part of this group.
>On the discussion of sessions on alternative initiatives / small or society
>journal models: Clearly there is a desire for some attention to this. But may I
>remind us all that the core OA2020 intention is to get the majority of journal
>publishing to flip very soon (er, 2020)...and to do that, it is essential that the
>large publishers flip. And so I speak up for not letting the program get *too*
>diluted from the core mission, or this risks becoming merely Yet Another
>Open Access Conference.
>Jeff MacKie-Mason
>University Librarian
>Chief Digital Scholarship Officer
>Professor, School of Information and Professor of Economics UC Berkeley
>"Your job as a citizen and as a decent human being is to constantly affirm and
>lift up and fight for treating people with kindness and respect and
>understanding." Barack Obama to daughters Malia and Sasha
>On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Katrine Weisteen Bjerde
><k.w.bjerde at cristin.no> wrote:
> Dear Ralf and all
> My comments would go in the same direction.
> Good program.
> Important to not only focus on the big publishers, but also look at
>how to support other initiatives. I am a bit worried to see OA newcomers
>being bought by the big ones. (Co-action publishing bought by T&F). On the
>other hand, these questions can be picked up in the roadmap discussions.
> Regards
> Katrine (also on mobile)
> ________________________________________
> From: Advisory [advisory-bounces at oa2020.org] on behalf of Ralf
>Schimmer [Schimmer at mpdl.mpg.de]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 5:58 PM
> To: Ivy Anderson; Reckling, Falk; advisory at oa2020.org
> Subject: Re: [Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access
>Conference on 21/22 March 2017
> Dear Falk and Ivy,
> thank you very much for this first feedback and your suggestions. I
>just want to confirm that such broader approach is already on our mind.
>That’s why we suggest to have 2 sessions on “Concepts of Transformation” so
>that we can accommodate also pathways beyond the big commercial
>publishers. We will get back to this when we discuss potential presenters. If
>you want to suggest names of individuals or initiatives, in addition to whom
>Falk already mentioned, please let us know.
> Best wishes,
> Ralf
> Von: Advisory [mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org
><mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org> ] Im Auftrag von Ivy Anderson
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. November 2016 14:10
> An: Reckling, Falk; advisory at oa2020.org
> Betreff: Re: [Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access
>Conference on 21/22 March 2017
> Dear Ralf and All,
> I would just like to join in support of Falk’s suggestion of a session on
>alternative initiatives – I think it would be good to give voice to these efforts
>as part of the overall transformational framework of OA2020. I assume this is
>a recommendation for day 2 of the meeting.
> I look forward to further discussions –
> Best,
> Ivy
> Ivy Anderson
> Associate Executive Director & Director of Collections
> California Digital Library
> University of California, Office of the President
> Office: (510) 987-0334 <tel:%28510%29%20987-0334> | Cell: (510)
>239-9502 <tel:%28510%29%20239-9502>
> http://cdlib.org<http://cdlib.org/ <http://cdlib.org/> > |
>ivy.anderson at ucop.edu<mailto:ivy.anderson at ucop.edu
><mailto:ivy.anderson at ucop.edu> >
> From: Advisory [mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org
><mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org> ] On Behalf Of Reckling, Falk
> Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 12:29 AM
> To: advisory at oa2020.org<mailto:advisory at oa2020.org
><mailto:advisory at oa2020.org> >
> Subject: Re: [Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access
>Conference on 21/22 March 2017
> Dear All,
> I'm very happy to work with you on that very important initiative.
> I find the proposed programme well thought out. But I have one
> For very good reasons, OA2020 concentrates on OA deals with
>publishers, esp. big publishers. However, as an outlook, I suggest to reserve
>a small slot for an impulse presentation at the end of the conference for the
>following topic: „How to organise and fund Open Access publication models
>and services beyond big commercial providers“.
> I think, for example, of ideas, reports or initiatives like Squaring
>governance-of-scholarly-infrastructures/> > (Cameron Neylon), Putting down
><http://knowledge-exchange.info/event/oa-dependencies> > (Knowledge
>Exchange) or http://openaccessnetwork.org/
> Best Falk
> ___________________________________
> Falk Reckling, PhD
> Head of Departments
> Strategy – Policy, Evaluation, Analysis
> Strategy – National Programmes
> FWF Austrian Science Fund
> 1090 Vienna, Sensengasse 1, Austria
> T: +43 1 505 67 40 8111 <tel:%2B43%201%20505%2067%2040%208111>
> M: +43 664 530 73 68 <tel:%2B43%20664%20530%2073%2068>
> falk.reckling at fwf.ac.at<mailto:falk.reckling at fwf.ac.at>
> CV via ORCID<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1326-1766
><https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1326-1766> >
> FWF-
>publication_date> >
> www.fwf.ac.at<http://www.fwf.ac.at/ <http://www.fwf.ac.at/> > |
>scilog.fwf.ac.at<http://scilog.fwf.ac.at/en/ <http://scilog.fwf.ac.at/en/> >
> @fwf_at<https://twitter.com/fwf_at <https://twitter.com/fwf_at> >
>| @fwfopenaccess<https://twitter.com/FWFOpenAccess
><https://twitter.com/FWFOpenAccess> >
> [cid:image001.png at 01D24B32.8C112EB0]
> Von: Advisory [mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org
><mailto:advisory-bounces at oa2020.org> ] Im Auftrag von Ralf Schimmer
> Gesendet: Freitag, 25. November 2016 18:47
> An: advisory at oa2020.org<mailto:advisory at oa2020.org
><mailto:advisory at oa2020.org> >
> Betreff: [Advisory] Draft program for the Berlin 13 Open Access
>Conference on 21/22 March 2017
> Dear members of the B13 Advisory Board,
> first of all, we would like to thank everyone of you for your
>willingness to become a member of the Advisory Board of the Berlin 13 Open
>Access Conference. We are convinced that with your support the program of
>Berlin 13 will fulfill everybody’s expectations and the conference will turn
>out to be an informative and constructive exchange.
> Attached to this email, please find a text description of B13 plus a
>draft program. At this point in time, we would like to discuss with you only
>the description, the structure and perhaps the time allocation of the
>conference. As we would like to put this up on the conference homepage,
>we would like to receive your feedback by December 7.
> We do already have some speakers in mind; but, generally, we would
>like to discuss speakers, moderators and additional details as a next step. For
>this, we will again provide a basis for discussion.
> As this advisory board is composed of people from a maximum
>variation of time zones we will try to avoid virtual meetings as much as we
>can. Ideally, we want to base our discussion on emails via this listserv plus
>perhaps a few individual or small group phone calls All in all, we don’t want
>to take too much of your time but still try to be inclusive and efficient. In any
>case, your ideas and suggestions are welcome at any time.
> For your first review it may be helpful to have some additional
>background information:
> In the context of Berlin 12 the idea was discussed to build up a
>network of national contact points for OA2020, similar to the NCP network of
>SCOAP³. Hereby an inspired network capable of acting shall emerge to
>coordinate, push and promote the necessary next steps for a successful
>transformation to Gold Open Access in the countries concerned. The
>cooperation in the NCP network shall support the regular exchange of
>experience and shall channel and facilitate mutual assistance.
> On this basis, our wish for Berlin 13 is the further strengthening of
>such a network integrating interested colleagues from as many countries as
>possible. We are aware that in most of the countries further steps are to be
>taken to obtain a somewhat ‘official’ mandate as NCP by the national science
>system. Especially for this reason we consider a close cooperation among the
>proponents and supporters of our emerging NCP network to be helpful and
> Berlin 13 offers a good opportunity for those who are interested in
>supporting OA2020 and volunteering as NCPs to get to know each other
>better and to improve the trust-based relationship. In order to give this the
>room it requires, we propose the first day of the conference to be restricted
>to the intended audience and to conclude the day with a joint dinner (plus
>perhaps a small social activity).
> The second day, on the other hand, will be organized as an open
>forum for everyone who is interested in OA2020, including e.g. non-science
>organizations, political representatives and publishers. The program for this
>day will begin with a status report on OA2020. Then various concepts of
>transformation will be presented and discussed, statements of
>representatives from several countries and organizations shall round up the
> At the end of day two, we plan to have a closed wrap-up session for
>one hour with a small working party of NCPs, which we hope to establish on
>day one. This working party could be the starting point of a broader
>governance structure that could emerge over time.
> Again, we are grateful for your support in preparing Berlin 13, and we
>look forward to your feedback on our program ideas.
> With best regards,
> Ralf Schimmer
> P.S.: I also re-circulate the member list of this Advisory Board – with
>Falk Reckling and Georg Botz as additional entries.
> _______________________________________________
> Advisory mailing list
> Advisory at oa2020.org
> https://listsrv.mpdl.mpg.de/mailman/listinfo/advisory
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